The fabrication of a video game takes now from one to three years to be completely finished from the idea written on paper to the release of the product in the market. Lots of talented individuals are participating in the making of the most incredible games that will be bought by thousands of fans worldwide. These game wizards are like members of a movie crew, where each person is highly skilled in a specialty work, teaming together to make a movie that will be enjoyed by million of fans.
Game firms have many positions available from beta tester to manager or supervisor. Beta game testing is the first job a young man or woman wanting to pursue a game testing career in the game industry should consider. A college student may take this route to make some extra money to test games, but also see if the industry is the type of place they really want to be and work in the future.
A tester job that can be done at home sitting on a sofa can conduct reasonably fast, if the beta tester is excellent at pointing out bugs and interacts well with the programmers who correct them, to a seat in an office working full time as a QA or Quality Assurance specialist. The profession is exiting and it is possible to make a career for the right candidates.
An aspirant game tester should know of a classic misconception that the tester has to be a top game player, which is true to some extend, but basic playing skills is just what is needed together with attention to details, a good writing of the English language and the respect of deadlines. The ability that the game tester should possess is those of an investigator searching for bugs to notify the programmer.
Beta testing games is fun but can be repetitive when the same sequence in the game has to be played for hours in order to record with details all the bugs that are found. Any person with this hobby thinking of working as a game tester has to know that the job is not only to play the game entirely as usual, but to play it according to tasks assigned to them.
Having a first job testing beta games is not that simple if the candidate does not know someone in a game company. Recruiters are looking for specific skills and preparing an application letter and resume that match their requirements is of primary importance. There are different methods in order to apply to these big game companies and knowing that many game testers are needed in the industry is encouraging.
Visit the Game Tester Career website and discover how you can become a game tester =>
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