How to make your computer go faster? Know your computer. That is one of the most important things to take note of when you decide to ramp up the speed, or restore it to its former glory not so many months ago. Information is one of the most important aspects of upgrading or tweaking your CPU and OS. The central processing unit and the operating system are part of a much larger picture; a picture in which you need to know about. What kind of memory are you running? How much? What is the speed of the memory? What about your computer chip?
You should have all this information and more before you decide to do anything and people often slip up and spend gargantuan amounts of money because they did not realise what they had under the hood in the first place. Once you have all the information then you can start to increase the speed of the computer. One of the best ways to do so is to upgrade the memory, because more than likely, you have been installing recent programmes on a machine that was assembled before it was published.
Programmes are pretty scalable, but when too many are installed on a system or if you are working with huge files, you need to ramp up the memory and remove one of the bottlenecks of the system. Memory, especially RAM (or random access memory) is pretty affordable nowadays, even hard disks come pretty cheap. Buying one will solve plenty of problems for you. Another way is for you to defragment your disk. You may have heard this advice somewhere before, but there is a darn good reason why that advice is there in the first place. A fragmented hard drive means that data is strewn about.
This means that to launch a programme, Windows has to go through the motions of re assembling the fragmented data into a coherent code before the programme can launch. This causes massive slowdowns and system hangs even and you need to address this issue pretty quick. It is a good idea to defragment your drive once every 2 to 4 weeks, and this makes sure that you have a speedy hard drive that can launch programmes quick.
Also, the registry is one of the main chokes on a computer system; meaning that the tiny file that resides in your system core has the capability of slowing your system down to a crawl if it is not maintained. Zero values left by programme uninstalls, null values from bad code, corrupt data and command lines left behind by viruses and malware are just some of the examples of how your Windows registry can be left a debilitating mess.
All you need to do is to download a good registry cleaner, which will take care of 100% of these problems and then some. They are pretty advanced nowadays and can even settle clutter from your browsers, system files and trailing debris left behind by bad uninstalls. These are 3 simple solutions on how to make your computer go faster.
Logan Albright helps thousands of people optimize their computers through a proper computer check up. He is an authority on troubleshooting computer problems at
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